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  • 2024

  1. Cheng Wang, Hui Wang, Tao Zhang. Hybrid four-quadrant DC–DC converter for DC wind farm collection systems[J]. Journal of Power Electronics, 2024, 24(1):42-54.

  2. Luan, Xiaoming Li, Xiaopeng Wu, Shouyuan  Arc Suppression Control With Adaptive Parameters of Active Grounding Device Considering Ground Fault Resistance Uncertainty 2024 39(1)426-435

  3. Zhang, Fan  Wu, Shouyuan On vector control of open winding permanent magnet synchronous motor SPIE  2024 12981,

  4. 靳宗帅,张恒旭,曾一鸣,石访,刘远龙.适应频率偏移及动态变化场景的动态谐波相量在线测量方法[J/OL].中国电机工程学报,2024:1-12.

  5. 李伟超 蔡德宇 武守远 张刚 张峰 风电机组附加有功控制参数对系统低频振荡的影响  高电压技术. 2024,50(03)

  6. 王梦雪,赵浩然, 刘春阳,等.基于叠加原理的综合能源系统动态潮流追踪及碳熵分析[J].电力系统自动化, 2024, 48(1):10-20 .

  • 2023

  1. Liu H, Liu C, Zhao H, et al. Non-intrusive Load Monitoring Method for Multi-Energy Coupling Appliances Considering Spatio-Temporal Coupling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(6): 4519-4529.

  2. Ma H, Liu C, Zhao H, et al. A novel analytical unified energy flow calculation method for integrated energy systems based on holomorphic embedding[J]. Applied Energy, 2023, 344: 121163.

  3. Mehedi H, Wang X, Ye S, Xue G, Shariful I M, Shi F. Power generation expansion planning approach considering carbon emission constraints[J]. Global Energy Interconnection, 2023, 6(2): 127-140.

  4. Wang M, Zhao H, Liu C, et al. Analytical Dynamic Energy-Carbon Flow Model and Application in Cost Allocation for Integrated Energy Systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, early access.

  5. Wang, QianWu, ShouyuanResearch on Control Strategy of Hybrid Reactive Power Compensation System for Wind  2023 2488

  6. Wei M, Shi F, Zhang H, Chen W. Wideband Synchronous Measurement-Based Detection and Location of High Impedance Fault for Resonant Distribution Systems with Integration of DERs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(2): 1117-34.

  7. 基于过电压衰减比的柔性接地控制参数设计方法 栾晓明李伟超武守远 电网技术. 2023,47(06)

  8. 靳宗帅, 张恒旭. 电力系统强噪声测量数据快速鲁棒回归平滑降噪[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2023, 47(03): 169-176.

  9. 靳宗帅,张恒旭.电力系统强噪声测量数据快速鲁棒回归平滑降噪[J].电力系统自动化,2023,47(03):169-176.

  10. 刘航, 刘春阳,赵浩然,等. 基于深度学习的公共楼宇电-气负荷非侵入式分解[J].电网技术, 2023, 47(3):1188-1195.

  11. 栾晓明 武守远 贾春娟 李小鹏 高立雪 基于主动型接地装置消弧控制不同电压反馈方法建模与分析 中国电机工程学报. 2023,43(23)

  12. 王辉, 王艺霏, 王珊珊, 赵兵, 邢阳. 基于动态电压指令值变化的双馈异步风力发电系统高低电压穿越控制策略[J],高电压技术, 2022, 48(9) 3680-3688.

  13. 王俊杰,刘春阳,陈常念,等.基于熵指标的热能传输动态特性建模与仿真分析[J].中国电机工程学报, 2023, 43(13): 5066-5077.

  14. 王梦雪,赵浩然, 刘春阳,等.基于碳熵指标的电热互联综合能源系统碳轨迹追踪方法[J].电力系统自动化, 2023, 47(9):13-22.

  15. 薛景润, 施啸寒, 曹永吉, 张恒旭. 虚拟电厂短时长精细化生产模拟方法与系统[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2023, 43(09): 3366-3381.

  16. 薛景润,施啸寒,张恒旭等.兼顾物理状态和用户行为的虚拟电厂紧急功率调节能力量化评估[J].中国电机工程学报,2023,43(08):2906-2921.

  17. 薛景润,施啸寒,张恒旭等.虚拟电厂短时长精细化生产模拟方法与系统[J].中国电机工程学报,2023,43(09):3366-3381.

  • 2022

  1. H. Yu, Z. Jin, H. Zhang and V. Terzija, A Phasor Estimation Algorithm Robust to Decaying DC Component [J], in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 860-870, April 2022.

  2. Jiabi Liang, Ke Zhu. Distribution Capacitor Health Monitoring Based on the Disturbances of Element Breakdown Faults, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery.2022,37(5):4064-4071.

  3. Jin Z, Zhang H, Terzija V. An Embedded Estimator for Online Harmonic Monitoring in Power-Electronic Grids[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 2022, 13(6): 4677-4689.

  4. Liu C, Ma H, Zhang H, et al. A MILP-Based Battery Degradation Model for Economic Scheduling of Power System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 14(2): 1000-1009.

  5. Wei M, Shi F, Zhang H, Yang F, Chen W. A High-Efficiency Method to Determine Parameters of High Impedance Arc Fault Models[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, 2022, 37(2): 1203-1214.

  6. Wei M, Zhang H, Shi F, Chen W, Terzija V. Nonlinearity Characteristic of High Impedance Fault at Resonant Distribution Networks: Theoretical Basis to Identify the Faulty Feeder[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, 2022, 37(2): 923-936.

  7. Yi Zhang, Xiaohan Shi, Hengxu Zhang, et. al,Review on Deep Learning Applications in Frequency Analysis and Control of Modern Power System. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2022, 136(2022):107744-107766.

  8. 靳宗帅, 张恒旭, 石访, 孙媛媛, 韦明杰. 宽频带同步测量技术与应用[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(07): 2497-2508.

  9. 李保罗, 孙华东, 张恒旭, 高磊, 徐式蕴, 黄彦浩. 基于两阶段迁移学习的电力系统暂态稳定评估框架[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2022, 46(17): 176-185.

  10. 王晓彬, 孟婧, 石访, 梁才浩, 汪洋子, 陈正曦. 煤电与清洁电源协同演进优化模型及综合评价体系研究[J]. 电力系统保护与控制, 2022, 50(13): 43-52.

  11. 徐铂淞, 张恒旭, 石访, 施啸寒. 支撑自定义专业的新工科课程体系逻辑分析可视化——以山东大学全球能源互联网新工科特色班为例[J]. 高等工程教育研究, 2022, (01): 23-28.

  12. 徐清文, 曹永吉, 张恒旭, 吴秋伟, 李常刚. 考虑暂态调频能力的虚拟电厂预防控制方法[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2022, 46(18): 83-89.

  • 2021

  1. Mingjie Wei, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, etal. Nonlinearity Characteristic of High Impedance Fault at Resonant Distribution Networks: Theoretical Basis to Identify the Faulty Feeder. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, APRIL 2021,

  2. Yuanyuan Sun; Shurong Li; Qingshen Xu; Xiangmin Xie; Zongshuai Jin; Fang Shi; Hengxu Zhang. Harmonic Contribution Evaluation Based on the Distribution-Level PMUs. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(2), 909-919.

  3. Xu, Qingwen; Cao, Yongji; Zhang, Hengxu; et al. Bi-Level Dispatch and Control Architecture for Power System in China Based on Grid-Friendly Virtual Power Plant. 11(3): 1282-1289.

  4. Shi, Fang; Zhang, Linlin; Zhang, Hengxu; et al. Diagnosis of the single phase-to-ground fault in distribution network based on feature extraction and transformation from the waveforms. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution. 25(14): 6079-6086.

  5. Changgang Li, Zhi Hang, Hengxu Zhang, et al. Evaluation of DFIGs' Primary Frequency Regulation Capability for Power Systems with High Penetration of Wind Power. ENERGIES, 13(23): 1982-1990.

  6. Mingjie Wei, Weisheng Liu, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Weijiang Chen. Distortion-Based Detection of High Impedance Fault in Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2021, 36(3): 1603-1618.

  7. Yongji Cao, Hengxu Zhang*, Yi Zhang 1, Yuzheng Xie 1, Changhui Ma. Extending SFR Model to Incorporate the Influence of Thermal States on Primary Frequency Response. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 14(19):4069-4078.

  8. Mingjie Wei, Hengxu Zhang, Tianyu Fang. Enhancing the Course Teaching of Power System Analysis with Virtual Simulation Platform. International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, accepted.

  9. Liu C, Zhang H, Shahidehpour M, et al. A Two-layer Model for Microgrid Real-time Scheduling using Approximate Future Cost Function[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 37(2): 1264-1273.

  10. Shi Xiaohan, Wei chuanzhi, Zhang Hengxu. Fault Modeling of IIDG Considering Inverter's Detailed Characteristics,IEEE ACCESS, 2020(8):183401-183410.

  11. Hasan Raiaq, Shi Xiaohan, Zhang Hengxu. A Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Multi-Feature Input Space and Post-Processing, energies, 2020,13(9):1-15.

  12. Hasan Raiaq, Shi Xiaohan, Zhang Hengxu. Generalizability Improvement of Deep Learning based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring System Using Data Augmentation, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(4):3265-3277

  13. Fan Wang, Yubin Wang, et al. Three-Phase interleaved high step-up Bidirectional DC–DC Converter. IET Power Electronics. 2020. Vol.13(12):2469-2480. (SCI: 000571887600008) .

  14. Zheng Guo, Yubin Wang, et al. Wide input/output control strategy for multiphase series capacitor bidirectional DC-DC converters. Journal of Power Electronics. 2021. 21:735-746. (SCI: :000618142700001)

  15. Wei M, Liu W, Shi F*, etc. Distortion-Controllable Arc Modeling for High Impedance Arc Fault in the Distribution Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(1): 52-63.

  16. M. Wei, W. Liu, F. Shi, H. Zhang, Z. Jin and W. Chen, Distortion-Controllable Arc Modeling for High Impedance Arc Fault in the Distribution Network [J], in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 52-63, Feb. 2021.

  17. Y. Sun et al., Harmonic Contribution Evaluation Based on the Distribution-Level PMUs [J], in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 909-919, April 2021.

  18. 施啸寒,赵雅文,张恒旭.基于准零相位滤波器的电池储能系统平滑风电波动控制方法. 电力系统自动化,2021,45(4):45-53.

  19. 韦明杰, 石访, 张恒旭, etc. 基于同步零序电流谐波群体比相的谐振接地系统高阻故障选线及区段定位方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2021, 41(24): 8358-72.

  20. 张怡, 张恒旭, 李常刚, 曹永吉, 李威. 电力系统频率响应模式及其量化描述[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(17): 5877-5887.

  • 2020

  1. Mingjie Wei, Weisheng Liu, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Weijiang Chen. Distortion-Based Detection of High Impedance Fault in Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, accepted.

  2. Yongji Cao 1, Hengxu Zhang 1*, Yi Zhang 1, Yuzheng Xie 1, Changhui Ma. Extending SFR Model to Incorporate the Influence of Thermal States on Primary Frequency Response. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, accepted.

  3. Mingjie Wei, Hengxu Zhang, Member, IEEE, Tianyu Fang. Enhancing the Course Teaching of Power System Analysis with Virtual Simulation Platform. International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, accepted.

  4. Yuzheng Xie, Changgang Li, Hengxu Zhang, Huadong Sun, and Vladimir Terzija. Long-term Frequency Stability Assessment based on Extended Frequency Response Model. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 122444-122455, 2020.

  5. Rafiq, H.; Shi, X.; Zhang, H.; Li, H.; Ochani, M.K. A Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Multi-Feature Input Space and Post-Processing. Energies 2020, 13, 2195.

  6. Li, Changgang; Wu, Yue; Sun, Yanli, Zhang, Hengxu, et al. Continuous Under-Frequency Load Shedding Scheme for Power System Adaptive Frequency Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,‏ 35(2):‏ 950-961,‏ MAR 2020.

  7. Xuewen Wang, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Qiuwei Wu, Vladmir Terzija, Wei Xie and Chen Fang. Location of Single Phase-Earth Faults in Distribution Networks based on Synchronous Transient Energy. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, JAN 2020, 11 (1): 774-785.

  8. Wei, Mingjie; Shi, Fang; Zhang, Hengxu, et al. High Impedance Arc Fault Detection Based on the Harmonic Randomness and Waveform Distortion in the Distribution System. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,‏ 35(2): 837-850,‏ APR 2020.

  9. Jiabi Liang, Ke Zhu. Transient Characteristics Analysis of Shunt Capacitor Asynchronous Energizing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020,35(5):2186-2195.

  10. Zhihao Yun, Xinhui Cui. Online Preventive Control Method for Static Voltage Stability of Large Power Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(6):4689-4698.

  11. Jierui Yang, Zhihao Yun*. The Thevenin equivalent based power flow method for integrated transmission and radial distribution networks. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020, 123(10629)

  12. Mei, Hongkun; Jia, Chunjuan ; Fu, Jun; et al. Low voltage ride through control strategy for MMC photovoltaic system based on model predictive control [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 125(2021) 106530: 1-12.

  13. Shi F, Zhang L, Zhang H, etc. Diagnosis of the single phase-to-ground fault in distribution network based on feature extraction and transformation from the waveforms[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020, 14(25): 6079-6086.

  14. Wang X, Wang P, Wang Y, Yunbo Wang, Shi Fang*. Online Estimation of Short-Circuit Fault Level in Active Distribution Network[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(11).

  • 2019

  1. Zhihao YunXinhui CuiKaigangMa. Online Thevenin Equivalent Parameter Identification Method of Large Power Grids Using LU Factorization. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,Year: 2019 | Volume: 34, Issue: 6.

  2. Fang Shi, Hengxu Zhang, Yongji Cao, Huadong Sun, Yun Chai. Enhancing Event-Driven Load Shedding by Corrective Switching With Transient Security and Overload Constraints. IEEE Access, Year: 2019 | Volume: 7

  3. Mingjie Wei, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Zongshuai Jin, Jian Zhou, Hailong Bao, Terzija Vladmir. High Impedance Arc Fault Detection based on the Harmonic Randomness and Waveform Distortion in the Distribution System. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019.

  4. Hengxu Zhang, Zongshuai Jin, Vladimir Terzija. An Adaptive Decomposition Scheme for Wideband Signals of Power Systems Based on the Modified Robust Regression Smoothing and Chebyshev-II IIR Filter Bank. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019,341):220-230.

  5. Zhenguang Liang. An Optimal Design of Actively Shielded MRI Superconducting Magnet. IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2), Article Sequence Number: 4900404.

  6. Ke Zhu, Rundong Lv. A three-phase adaptive reclosure technology for distribution feeders based on parameter identification, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery.2019,34(6):2173-2181.

  7. Huizhong Sun, Hui Wang, Wenlong Qi, Automatic Power Decoupling Controller of Dependent Power Decoupling Circuit for Enhanced Transient Performance[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(3):1820-1831.

  8. Huizhong Sun, Hui Wang, Xinchen Zhao. Line Braking Torque Allocation Scheme for Minimal Braking Loss of Four-Wheel-Drive Electric Vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, Jan, 68(1):180-192.

  • 2018

  1. Zongshuai Jin, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Yuanyuan Sun, Vladimir Terzija. A robust and adaptive detection scheme for interharmonics in active distribution network. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2018,335):2524-2534.

  2. Changgang Li; Yaping Zhang; Hengxu Zhang; Qiuwei Wu; Vladimir Terzija. Measurement-Based Transmission Line Parameter Estimation with Adaptive Data Selection Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018 , 9 (6) :5764 - 5773.

  3. Lizheng Chen; Hengxu Zhang; Qiuwei Wu; Vladimir Terzija. A Numerical Approach for Hybrid Simulation of Power System Dynamics Considering Extreme Icing Events. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(5): 5038 - 5046.

  4. Hengxu Zhang, Yongji Cao, Yi Zhang, Vladimir Terzija. Quantitative synergy assessment of regional wind-solar energy resources based on MERRA reanalysis data. Applied Energy, Volume 216, 15 April 2018, Pages 172-182.

  5. Haoran Zhao, Qiuwei Wu, Shaojun Huang, Hengxu Zhang, Yutian Liu and Yusheng Xue. Hierarchical Control of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for Primary Frequency Support. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(4): 2986 – 2998.

  6. Jiabi Liang, Ke Zhu. Coded Switching Scheme for Monitoring the Operation of Distribution Capacitors, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. 2018, 33(6): 3075-3084.

  7. Yubin Wang, Fan Wang, et al. Sensorless Parameter Estimation and Current-sharing Strategy in two-phase and Multiphase IPOP DAB dc/dc converters, IET Power Electronics. 2018,Vol.11, No.6, pp.1135-1142.

  8. Tengteng Pan, Yubin Wang, et al. Topology Optimization and Current Sharing Strategy of Interleaved Bidirectional dc/dc Converter with Coupling Technique. IET Power Electronics. 2018,Vol.11 No.15, 2470- 2480.

  9. Hui Wang, Wang T, Xie X, et al. Optimal Capacity Configuration of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for an Isolated Microgrid Using Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization[J]. Energies, 2018.02, 11(2):454.

  • 2017

  1. Yuzheng Xie, Hengxu Zhang, Changgang Li and Huadong Sun. Development approach of a programmable and open software package for power system frequency response calculation. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2017, 2(2): 189-198.

  2. Yongji Cao, Yi Zhang, Hengxu Zhang, Xiaohan Shi, Vladimir Terzija. Probabilistic Optimal PV Capacity Planning for Wind Farm Expansion Based on NASA Data. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, JUL 2017, 8(3):1291-1300.

  3. Ruohan Wang, Yuzheng Xie, Hengxu Zhang, Changgang Li, Wei Li, Vladimir Terzija. Dynamic Power Flow Algorithm Considering Frequency Regulation of Wind Power Generators. IET Renewable Power Generation(active power control special issue), JUN 2017, 11(8): 1218-1225.

  4. Xin Xu, Hengxu Zhang, Changgang Li, Wei Li, Yutian Liu, Vladimir Terzija. Optimization of the Event-driven Emergency Load Shedding Considering Transient Security and Stability Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, JUL 2017, 32(4): 2581-2592.

  5. Fang Shi, Hengxu Zhang, Guiting Xue. Instability prediction of the inter-connected power grids based on rotor angle measurement. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, June 2017, 88:21–32.

  6. Lizheng Chen, Hengxu Zhang, Changgang Li and Huadong Sun. Modelling and Simulating Long-timescale Cascading Faults in Power Systems Caused by Line Galloping Events. Energies, 2017, 10(9), 1301-1310.

  7. Xin Xu, Yongji Cao, Hengxu Zhang, Shiying Ma, Yunting Song and Dezhi Chen. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Corrective Switching of Transmission Systems in Emergency Scenarios. Energies, 2017, 10(8), 1204.

  8. Hui Wang, Kun Yan, Zhixiang Ling, Jinhao Gan. Switching Strategy for Isolated Dual-Active-Bridge Converter[J]. IET on Power Electronics, JAN 20 2017, 10(1): 29-37.

  9. Ke Zhu, Yixuan Wang. A new DG anti-islanding protection technique based on harmonic impedance measurement, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,2017, 27(2): 0-11.




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