期刊论文|Impact of Causality on Performance of Phasor Measurement Unit Algorithms
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Impact of Causality on Performance of Phasor Measurement Unit Algorithms

作者:Wenchao Meng; Xiaoyu Wang; Zhijun Wang; Innocent Kamwa

摘要:Most existing phasor measurement units (PMUs) are noncausal PMUs and they compensate for the group delay in PMU applications by shifting time stamps, which may result in high latency that will impair performance of PMU applications. This paper presents causal PMUs to reduce the group delay caused latency without shifting time stamps, and studies the impact of causality on performance of PMU algorithms. The paper first analyzes how causal and noncausal PMUs compensate for the group delay caused by digital filters and it is found that causal PMUs normally reduce latency by the group delay, whereas noncausal PMU will not. Then, the impact of causality on performance of PMU algorithms is investigated and analyzed by using the Hydro Quebec Research Institute (IREQ) PMU model and the IEEE PMU model. Finally, the simulation results carried out on two test systems highlight the difference between the causal method and the noncausal method under fault conditions in realistic multimachine setups.

发表于:IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Volume: 33, Issue: 2, March 2018)

上一条:期刊论文|Feature distance based online cluster modeling of LVRT controlled PV power plants 下一条:期刊论文|Optimal inverter based distributed generation units control strategy to improve voltage profiles in unbalanced distribution networks


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