IEEE IAS SCEMS 2020 国际学术会议的通知

由IEEE、IEEE IAS主办,山东大学IEEE学生分会承办的第三届国际电机与系统学生大会SCEMS 2020将于2020年12月4日至6日在中国济南召开。
SCEMS 2020将专注于“Intelligent Electrical, Innovation Thinking”。它旨在为来自世界各地的学生提供一个交流平台,展示他们在电机与系统、电力电子转换器、运行控制、电力驱动和应用系统、综合性可再生能源以及其他相关领域的最新研发成果和信息经验。
本次大会设置最佳论文奖——一、二、三等奖,并颁发奖杯。该奖项将由SCEMS 2020 技术委员会根据论文评议得分和会议报告得分的综合结果遴选。
大会为与会学生提供了资助项目。与会学生可以申请成为“会议志愿者”,食宿、旅费、注册费由SCEMS 2020执行委员会赞助。更多信息我们将在大会网站(发布。
SCEMS 2020录用文章将由IEEE出版至会议论文集,提交进入EI检索;25%—30%优秀论文转IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications期刊审稿;15%-30%推荐至Global Energy Interconnection期刊审稿。
SCEMS 2020 3rd Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems
Organized by IEEE Student Branch of Shandong University and sponsored by IEEE, IEEE IAS, 3rd Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (SCEMS 2020) will be held on December 4-6, 2020 in Ji'nan, China.
SCEMS 2020 will focus on ' Intelligent Electrical, Innovation Thinking '. IEEE SCEMS aims to provide a forum for students from all over the world to present their latest R&D achievements and to exchange useful information and experiences in the field of electric machines and systems, power electronic converters, motion control, electrical drive and application systems, comprehensive renewable energy as well as other relevant areas.
The conference will set up the best paper award -- first, second, third prize, and award the cup. A selection committee will be appointed by the SCEMS 2020 Technical Program Committee. Papers are judged based on the review score of the written paper and quality of the conference presentation.
Participating students can apply to become "conference volunteers". Accommodation, travel and registration fees are sponsored by the SCEMS 2020 executive committee. More details will be posted on the conference website(
SCEMS 2020 acceptance articles will be published by IEEE to conference proceedings and submitted for EI retrieval; 25%-30% excellent papers will be reviewed in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications; 15%-30% excellent papers will be reviewed in Global Energy Interconnection.
Start submission: Jul. 16, 2020
Final paper submission deadline: Oct. 10, 2020
Notification date: Nov. 16, 2020
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