由太阳集团tcy8722主办的前沿讲座于2020年7月23日下午4点通过腾讯会议平台成功举办。本次讲座邀请到EirGrid团队的高级工程师Dr. Peter Wall作为主讲嘉宾。本次讲座由太阳集团tcy8722蔡德宇副研究员主持。
Dr. Peter从爱尔兰和北爱尔兰电力来自可再生能源的长期需求和技术短缺的现状展开,介绍一种安全、稳定的市场和监管框架——“System Performance、System Policies、System Tools”(DS3),其作为灵活性解决方案和服务,将成为未来高可再生能源运营的基础。接着Dr. Peter详细介绍了团队对稳态和动态的安全性研究,及对电压、频率、热过载和系统恢复资源等的评估。指出DS3在时域模拟前可以快速发现并减轻惯性稀缺性,以高互连率和高快速动态储备为特征的高可再生性场景在低频率下表现出更好的性能,快速动态储备对系统稳定性至关重要,丰富的快速储备资源可以掩盖调度实践中由于储备组合和系统条件的变化而产生的差距。最后探讨了模型的局限性和大规模系统研究的挑战,表示今后还需要修订日程安排办法以应对储备组合的变化。
在提问环节中,大家就自己的疑惑与Dr. Peter进行了充分的交流。蔡德宇副研究员和金朝阳副教授也对DS3的运行和建模提出了相应的问题。本期前沿讲座在百余名研究生的线上观看下圆满落下帷幕。
Dr. Peter Wall is a senior innovation engineer in EirGrid’s innovation team. He is responsible for performing technical studies for the DS3 programme (EirGrid’s programme for delivering secure, cost effective operation with 75% converter penetration) and the EU-SysFlex project (a €26.5m Horizon 2020 project with 34 partners from across Europe’s energy sector). Before joining EirGrid Dr Wall was a consultant with RINA, working on renewable energy connections and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Manchester where he was involved in multiple network innovation competition projects (VISOR, EFCC, FITNESS) and the Horizon 2020 MIGRATE project. Dr Wall received his PhD from the University of Manchester for his work on inertia estimation and has co-authored 48 research papers.