IEEE I&CPS Asia 2020国际学术会议通知
由IEEE、IEEE IAS主办,山东大学承办,华北电力大学、济南大学和电子科技大学协办的第一届亚洲工业与商业电力系统国际学术会议 I&CPS Asia 2020 将于2020年7月13日至7月16日在中国威海召开。
I&CPS Asia 2020将专注于“Grid Edge, Reforming the Future”。它旨在为来自世界各地的研究人员、实践者、专业人员和学生提供一个高质量的平台,展示他们在电力系统相关领域的最新研究成果、想法和应用。I&CPS Asia 2020以主题会议、技术会议、研讨会、圆桌会议和短期课程为特色,将为与会代表提供与合格专业人士交流和建立未来伙伴关系的无与伦比的机会。
本次大会由国网电力科学研究院薛禹胜院士和德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校Wei-Jen Lee教授任大会主席,清华大学孙宏斌教授,华北电力大学毕天姝教授和山东大学张恒旭 教授任大会共同主席。
I&CPS Asia 2020 录用文章将由IEEE出版至会议论文集,提交进入IEEE Xplore,EI检索。优秀论文推荐至IEEE Trans on Industry Applications审稿 (比例可达50%), 或推荐至Global Energy Interconnection期刊发表。会议详细信息可参见会议官方网站。
※截稿日期: 2019年4月15日
2020 IEEE IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia
Organized by Shandong University, and sponsored by IEEE, IEEE IAS, co-organized by North China Electric Power University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and University of Jinan, 1st Industrial & Commercial Power System Asia (I&CPS Asia 2020) Conference will be held July 13-16, 2020 in Weihai, China.
I&CPS Asia 2020 will focus on ‘Grid Edge, Reforming the Future‘. It aims to provide a high quality platform for researchers, practitioners, professionals, and students from all over the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the related fields of Power Systems. Featured with keynote session, technical session, workshop, tutorial session and short courses, I&CPS Asia 2020 will provide the delegates an unparalleled opportunity to exchange with qualified professionals and build future partnership.
All accepted papers will be published in IEEE conference proceedings, which will be submitted for EI, Scopus, CNKI index. Excellent papers will be recommended to be reviewed and published by IEEE Trans on Industry Applications or Global Energy Interconnection.
※Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2020
I&CPS Asia 2020会议官方网站:https://attend.ieee.org/icpsasia-2020/
I&CPS Asia 2020会议官方邮箱: icpsasia_2020@163.com
The official conference website: https://attend.ieee.org/icpsasia-2020/
The official conference email: icpsasia_2020@163.com